5 Things NOT to do During a Hurricane or Severe Storm

It is easy to panic and make mistakes during an emergency. But during a hurricane or severe storm, those mistakes could kill you. And while there are likely going to be deaths from the horrific culmination of events, there are some cases where deaths are entirely...

Are Hurricane Proof Windows and Doors Worth the Cost?

In a simple one word answer… YES! Homeowners in Sarasota, FL know that storm windows and impact resistant doors have one very important function—protecting home and family from the destruction of big tropical storms. They also know these products do not come...

Two Ways to Upgrade your Home for Hurricane Season

Summer planning is fun with all the lazy days at the beach and enjoying the sunshine. But in addition to vacations, there are other things you need to plan for, especially if you live in Venice, FL. You must prepare for hurricane season, which goes from June 1st until...

Boost Security with Impact Resistant Windows and Doors

When purchasing new windows, security issues might not be one of your primary concerns. Instead you think about hurricane resistance, energy efficiency, and style. But you should know, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crime Clock, in the United...

5 Tips for Hiring the Right Impact Window and Door Contractor

The building codes in Florida are strict because of the threat of hurricanes and tropical storms. So when it comes to new window and door installation you don’t just want the best products, but you need the job done right. That is the only way to keep your home sealed...